The music received mixed reviews while some reviewers enjoyed the soundtrack and found it to be underrated, others felt it was only of middling quality.
Additionally, a collection of piano arrangements composed by Nobuo Uematsu, arranged by Shirou Satou and played by Toshiyuki Mori titled Piano Collections Final Fantasy V was released by Square/NTT Publishing, and re-released by NTT Publishing. An arranged album entitled Final Fantasy V Dear Friends, containing a selection of musical tracks from the game arranged in multiple styles, including live and vocal versions, was released by Square/NTT Publishing and later re-released by NTT Publishing.
The Final Fantasy V Original Sound Version, a compilation of almost all of the music in the game, was released by Square Co./ NTT Publishing, and subsequently re-released by NTT Publishing after the game was brought to North America as part of the Final Fantasy Anthology. The music of the video game Final Fantasy V was composed by regular series composer Nobuo Uematsu.